
The success of online acquisition

Working freelance is absolutely the best way for me. The freedom and choice of my activities are worth a lot to me. But as a freelancer, in addition to your freedoms, you also face many risks. For example, last March my company immediately went into 'survival mode' after the loss of my most important client due to a subsidy stop. Of course, I had known for years that I should not focus all my efforts on one client, but in practice I was too busy to look further. The eternal pitfall for the freelancer; not spreading your opportunities enough.

Customers wanted! For me, survival mode meant, among other things, that I had to quickly find new clients. And of course, preferably on a structural basis. Quite a challenge to obtain a well-filled order book from scratch and also work on a sustainable relationship with clients. I hated cold calling, so how did I go about looking for new customers? Of course in the way that suited me best as a copywriter and concept creator; written!

Various options for online recruitment The Internet is ideal for exploring the market and approaching potential clients. But yes, it is often just a kind of cold calling, where you don't even get an answer to your creative email. No, I thought it would be better to look online for a forum of clients with a specific question. And so I quickly ended up at the sites where freelancers are linked to clients. At the beginning of my entrepreneurship I also ended up on such a site. I thought the disadvantage of that specific site was that an amount always had to be paid after contact. Often an initial contact, such as a request for more information, leads to nothing, but it does count as mediation. That's why I had my reservations about these types of sites.

Targeted response Forced by circumstances, however, I started looking again for a suitable forum and knew exactly what I did not want. The rest was still a question for me, the possibilities were otherwise unknown to me. I soon ended up at the website where I still offer my services today. A reliable party that brings supply and demand together at a fixed and reasonable monthly rate. The clear and realistic conditions removed my reservations and I registered as a copywriter and concept maker for the category 'Text and translation'. Since then I regularly receive emails with the magical words 'Copywriter wanted' and 'Concept creator wanted'. In addition, it is always possible to look at all other vacancies. There are more than enough assignments available, especially as a copywriter. There is less demand for a concept maker, but requests are also received for that.

Copywriter and concept maker wanted and found! A year after the loss of my most important client, I can proudly say that I am back, better than ever. I have obtained several assignments through this mediation site and now also work for two clients on a regular basis. Discussions are still ongoing with a possible third client, who would need my services on a weekly basis. Great and a real solution for me! Respond specifically to a request, at the right time.

Online recruitment as the arrows of Cupid Online recruitment reminds me a bit of online dating. It is no longer a taboo, it is a completely accepted phenomenon. With the right mediation, it is also a reliable and effective way of making contact with the aim of a lasting relationship. The important difference is that with online recruitment it is accepted and even welcomed to maintain multiple contacts and develop them into a simultaneous sustainable relationship.

I have now experienced for myself that it is absolutely of great value that freelancers can also target interesting parties digitally. And it is even better if, just like Cupid's, those arrows have a golden point that hits clients in such a way that they want to continue with the freelancer in question. To a long and happy collaboration.

By: Sylvia Eickholt

Within her company Ecris, Sylvia is active as a copywriter and concept maker for business, education and social organizations that are concerned with the well-being of people and animals.

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