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Financial administration follow-up

Excel, confidant, cash flow management, cash flow projections, erp, French language, English language

  • Project status

  • Interested

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  • Location

    The project can be completed remotely
  • Budget

    In consultation
  • Posted by


Job description

************* is a trading company active in various markets in Europe and Africa. The follow-up of the cash flow positive and the financial administration is one of the most important points of the company.

There is currently a position for an assistant Financial Administration; who works closely with the CEO.

The tasks include:

- Manage bank transactions: request missing pieces
- Manage accounts customers and suppliers (goods on water + outstanding invoices > cash flow position management, invoices to be paid suppliers, communication financial service customers regarding payments, ...)
- Prepare payments for signing
- Check invoices employees (commissions)
- Invoice commissions
- Manage loans (due date, interest invoices, ...)
- Basic follow-up bookkeeping (errors, empty GL entries, ...)
- Prepare Yuki integration

The position can be done completely remotely, or partly at the office in Schoten near Antwerp.

Interested freelancers

    {{ item.displayName }} {{ item.displayName }}

    {{ item.displayDisciplines }}

    • {{ item.hourlyRate || '-' }} per hour
    • {{ item.cityName }}
      {{ item.stateName }}, {{ item.countryName }}
    • {{ item.nrSharedConnections }} shared connections
    Open chat Refused

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