
Writer's block for your social media posts? Do this


Google a problem from your ideal customer and check blogs with advice

What keeps your ideal customer awake at night? Too few customers, a website with difficult to read text, branding that is not quite up to par...? Google your customer's problems and discover blog articles with tips and advice. You can use this as inspiration for social media posts.

Get inspired by posts from competitors

Check the last ten or so posts from some of your competitors - freelancers with the same offer, region, target group, etc. - and see which ones have received the most comments and likes. You can use these posts for inspiration. But mind you, never copy-paste texts or images, because that is of course plagiarism. Just take the idea or approach and turn it into unique, original content.

Keep a notebook of stories

People like to read stories and remember them better than dry facts. Actively using storytelling on social media is therefore a good idea. You can incorporate your own stories, such as lessons learned or experiences from customers, into social media posts and link them to tips or your offer. In order not to forget fun stories, you can write them down in a notebook and come back to them later if you run out of inspiration.

Use AI tools

You can use AI tools such as ChatGPT to find topic ideas. A possible prompt is 'I am… (your title) for… (your target group) and I offer… (your offer). Provide 10 topics for LinkedIn posts that deliver value to my target group'. Such prompts always provide interesting ideas. But be careful, never completely copy content that ChatGPT or another tool generates, because your tone of voice, focused on your target group, and your personal touch are essential for powerful content.

Rework good old content

Did you create a post a few months ago or last year that did exceptionally well? Take a look at your analytics, for example in the Meta Business Suite (under Statistics - Content) regarding Instagram and Facebook. You can rewrite these posts a bit and reshare them, or you can just use the approach for a completely new post.

Keep a list of your target group's problems and desires

When you speak to a potential customer or someone who is a customer of yours, always listen carefully to the problems and desires they mention. Think of a conversation at a networking event, an introductory call or a conversation in your DMs on Instagram. Write down the problems and desires you hear in a notebook. You can use frequently recurring issues as inspiration for social media posts, in which you give tips or in which you link your offer to the problems and/or desires of your ideal customer.


This blog was written by Chloë De Raedt. Chloë is a content creator and coach and helps entrepreneurs and SMEs to transform their company into a gem with attractive content and visuals, in order to attract more great customers.

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