Frequently Asked Questions

  • has a database of ProLinker.coms in business services. Project clients who are looking for temporary workers can post a project on the website. ProLinker.coms can respond to this with an offer. ProLinker.coms can find projects, and project clients can find the right person for the project.

    Besides finding projects, freelancers on can also build an online profile with references and reviews from previous project clients. This also serves as a supporting function for finding new projects.

  • Posting a project or job opening is free. After quotes have been provided, project clients can also view the quotes/profiles for free and contact them directly.

    As a freelancer, you can register for free, create a profile, and receive prospective projects. When you see an interesting project, you can sign up for a standard or Premium account. A standard or Premium account offers many advantages compared to a free account.

    Here are the advantages:

    Standard account - from $ 70,- per month

    - Create personal profile
    - Receive projects by email
    - Use the mobile app
    - Unlimited responses to projects
    - Findable in the database
    - Up to five portfolio items
    - Build up references
    - CV and ID check on profile

    With a Premium account - from $ 90,- per month

    A few more extra advantages:
    - Above Standard subscribers in search results
    - Premium status on your profile
    - Specify more references


    Full pricing overview:
    Marketing and communication
    $ 100,-*
    $ 150,-*
    Text and translation
    $ 70,-
    $ 90,-
    Software and systems
    $ 100,-*
    $ 150,-*
    Website and Apps
    $ 100,-*
    $ 150,-*
    Management and Consulting
    $ 100,-*
    $ 150,-*
    Film, TV and Photography
    $ 70,-
    $ 90,-
    $ 100,-*
    $ 150,-*
    Grafic and Design
    $ 70,-
    $ 90,-
    $ 70,-
    $ 90,-
    Training and Education
    $ 70,-
    $ 90,-
    $ 100,-*
    $ 150,-* 
    Administrative, Secretarial, Support
    $ 70,-
    $ 90,-
    Sales and accountmanagement
    $ 100,-*
    $ 150,-*
    Health and Welfare
    $ 70,-
    $ 90,-
    $ 100,-*
    $ 150,-*
    Technology and Science
    $ 100,-*
    $ 150,-*
    Events and Lifestyle
    $ 70,-
    $ 90,-


    *With this subscription freelancers can respond to projects in all categories



    Posting a project or job opening is free. After quotes have been provided, project clients can also view the quotes/profiles for free and contact them directly.

    All projects must be paid through and a fee of 5% applies. When posting a project you can also choose our "Select" service where we will actively find and select the best freelancer for the job and take care of the contracting and invoicing for you. With this Select service a mediation fee of 17% applies. 

    Besides a mediation fee we also offer clients a premium account starting from $ 199,- (ex VAT) a month. 
    Premium account benefits:
    - Invite a selection of freelancers to your project, these freelancers receive a personal mail and/or app push message
    - Post projects with custom targeting
    - Contact freelancers directly without posting a project
    - Create custom lists of freelancers
    - Collaborate with mutliple users in one account, share candidate profiles
    - Boolean Search
    - Search through CV, Profile text and Skills using (multiple) keywords
    - Insights into the full network of freelancers with the ability to contact
    - Store notes with freelancer profiles
    - Dashboard with stats

  • You can register on the homepage, under the button "Register" > "As a Freelancer"

  • We handle your personal information diligently and carefully.

  • Click here for the General Terms and Conditions: Terms and Conditions

  • For proper and full use of, you need a broadband Internet connection

    The following browsers are supported:

    - Latest version of Internet Explorer on Windows or MacOS,
    - Latest version of Firefox for Windows and MacOS.
    - Latest version Safari for Windows or MacOS.
    - Latest version Chrome for Windows or MacOS.

    Recommended screen resolution is 1200 x 960 pixels.

  • You can cancel your subscription by canceling or changing your subscription in your account under "Settings." After, your subscription will remain active until the date you paid for it.

  • You can request a new (temporary) password using the "forgot password" link on the login screen on the homepage. After this, you can change your password back to a personal password to be used to access your account.

  • After logging in, click on the "Settings" tab. Then you can change your email address here.

    Remember to save your changes by clicking "Save."

  • After logging in with your username, choose the "settings" tab. Under email notification settings, you have the option to choose if you want to receive the monthly newsletter from Choose the no option.
    Remember to save your changes by clicking "Save."

  • You may have a paid subscription and your automatic payment has failed. You have received an email from us with a reminder and payment link. When you have paid this invoice, your account will be activated again.

  • After logging in, choose "My Profile" from the menu. This is where you can change all of your basic information. Don't forget to click on "Save" after you are finished! Do you want to change account settings (such as billing information)? Then you need to contact customer service.

  • is not liable in any way for the accuracy of your personal data. You are responsible for the correctness of your personal data. All changes concerning your data have to be changed by you.

    After logging in, choose "settings" from the menu. Subsequently, you can change your settings and account information below. Would you like to change your basic information and/or name and address details? Then click on "My Profile" in the menu. After making changes, do not forget to click on "Save."

    The user is responsible for any consequences due to the inaccuracy of the data at all times.

  • After logging in, you can click on "Change account" under "Settings." If you select "Delete profile," your account will be permanently deleted. NOTE: This cannot be undone! You will have to delete all your data on (Profile/Portfolio/Reviews, etc.), and it will be lost!

    If you still have an outstanding invoice, it will not expire despite the deletion of your account.

    When you delete your account, your subscription will automatically expire. However, you still need to pay the invoice for the period in which you deleted your account. If you have chosen to pay by automatic debit, the last payment will be made in that period.

  • Perhaps the email ended up in your SPAM folder. If you still cannot find it, please send an email using the contact form with your email address, name + surname, and password. We will send you a new activation link. Add the sender "" to your address book and/or click on "This message is safe "or "This message is wanted" above an email from us. Then you can be sure that every future email from us ends up in your inbox.

  • A project is the description of a freelance job. Interested freelancers can provide quotes on it.

    Project clients:
    A company/institution/government which is looking to fill a temporary vacancy within its own organization or which is looking for a particular expertise to complement a particular project.

    Individuals seeking a professional for personal matters.

    SEWE, self-employed without employees, who are seeking additional expertise in a specific domain (or want to completely outsource part of the project) for the completion of a project.

    Project contractors:
    SEWE, self-employed without employees. Generally considered the true Has a one-man company where they temporarily rent themselves out to a project clients. Note: therefore, a person who is SEWE has no employment contract.

  • First, you can post a project on the homepage by selecting the category your project belongs to. Then you click on "Post Project." On the next page, fill in the details about the project and your company information. Then click on "Post Project" again. After this, your project will be evaluated by one of the consultants of Your project will be approved and sent to the appropriate freelancers. Your project has been posted successfully.

  • On weekdays between 9:00 AM and 9:00 PM, your project will be evaluated within three hours. If your project is not posted, you will receive an email with a reason for disapproval. The project will be sent to the appropriate freelancers immediately after approval.

  • 1. Volunteer projects or projects with very low compensation (e.g. fixed price under €250 ex VAT) are not allowed.

    2. A project must be from a project client (they are asking for something).

    3. No services and/or products may be offered.

    4. Clear description of the project
    - The title of a project: short and clear, for example, "translator
    Dutch-English" or "PHP programmer."
    - Project description, general: Do not use too many punctuation marks,
    too many exclamation points, or other unnecessary things.
    - Project description contains enough specific information. Such as:
    - Purpose of the project
    - Description of project client
    - Tasks for the freelancer
    - Other details

    5. A project can only be posted once on the website
    - Some projects are posted to multiple agencies by the final project client. The project can only be posted on once.
    - The first person to submit the project to the website has the sole right to this project on

    6. Direct contact information such as phone numbers, address information, and names of a website and/or the URL should not be included in the project description.

    If you believe that your project has been unfairly rejected, we would like to hear from you. You can send an email with your objection and reason for rejection to our support staff using the contact form.

  • Your contact information will not be posted with your project. We use your contact information to be able to contact you if we have further questions or believe we can clarify or expand your submission with your help. This allows you to receive more appropriate quotes.

  • If you did not receive a confirmation email, please contact us so we can still forward your request to the professionals. You may have made a typo when entering your email address, or our email may have ended up in your spam folder. You can prevent this by adding the address to your contacts.

  • You view and manage your request and quotes all within your account. You can log in either from the homepage or from the link in the email we sent you.

  • It is not possible to edit your project yourself after it has been posted. If you want to adjust a project, please send us the correct details by email using the contact form. Please include the link and title of the project in your email. We will then correct this as soon as possible.

  • Posting a project is free.

  • You can pause your project under "My Projects" in your account. You can also cancel pending projects here. To do so, click on "Cancel Project" next to the project in your account under "Actions." Now, your project will be canceled. The freelancers who have responded will be informed about this. NOTE: Do not cancel pending projects frequently. You can earn a bad reputation among freelancers, which will cause them to stop submitting responses.

  • When you cancel a project, it is permanently removed from the website. When the project is completed, it will remain archived in the system. We do this as a reference for future project clients. ProLinker.coms can refer to previously completed projects.

  • When a freelancer has issued a response, you can contact them directly through the messaging system of

  • Please describe the problem clearly in an email using the contact form. We will then contact you as soon as possible.

  • If you have received a new response/quotation through you will be immediately notified by email. This email will allow you to access your application and corresponding responses. You can also use a link in an earlier email you received about your application.
    From your account on the overview page in your account, as a project client, this where you can view all the responses to your project, you can manage the responses received, and select the professional who will perform the project.

    You can get in touch with a professional who has submitted a response by clicking "view response" from the summary page. On the response page, you can then select "Respond" and use this to exchange messages with the professional.

    From the summary page, if you click on "Cancel project," then on the screen, you will select the freelancer of your choice. You will be asked why you chose this professional, and you can give your reason for rejection alongside the responses from the other professionals. Then the professional will be asked to contact you directly.

    From the email
    If you receive new responses to your project, you will be notified by email. In this email, there is always a direct link to your account overview. Here you can then respond to the quote/response.

    You can immediately cancel a project by choosing "Cancel project" next to the project under "Actions." You can also ask for more information first by clicking "Respond" at the bottom of the response.

    Freelancers have made the effort to respond or submit their own quotes. Therefore, always inform them of your choice and try to explain it as clearly as possible, even if you have chosen someone else. This can be done very easily through our website. This way, the professionals who did not make it this time can gain more insight into the considerations you make as a requestor and continue to improve themselves.

  • No, personal information will not be shown on the project. Only your city of residence is visible; this is how they know if the request is suitable. Therefore, this is reserved for a select group of people and not just every random visitor to our website. Of course, the customer service of also has access to your contact information for the purpose of asking questions in response to your request if necessary. handles your personal data with the utmost diligence. For more information please see our Privacy Policy.

  • You may have received fewer quotes than expected.

    The two major causes for this are that no budget was specified and/or the combination of the requested, and the budget is unrealistic. These causes can be divided into the following steps::

    No budget specified
    When requesting quotes, many people do not want to mention an amount, because they want to avoid having offers below this price. However, being open about your price shows that you are a serious party to do business with. Most importantly, it ensures that you get offers that meet your expectations. To create some leeway in the prices and receive several offers, you can also indicate your budget with a minimum and maximum amount. If you have trouble estimating a reasonable budget for your request, you can always contact us. We will advise you as best we can.

    Budget and request do not match
    Many requests include a demanding functionality package or work of large scale. For example, in a request to build a new website. Many different functionalities are mentioned, but the budget only takes into account the basics. It may seem to professionals that you want to get a cheap deal. You can avoid this by clearly distinguishing between the required functionalities and the desired functionalities in your request. You can also receive appropriate quotations by specifying which components you want to see in the quotation in your request.

    If none of the above applies to you, please feel free to contact us and we can work together to find out what the reason is.

  • After you have completed the project with a freelancer, you can close the project. Inside your account, next to the project, under "Actions," click on "Complete Project." Now you will see a screen where you can give the freelancer feedback on the service they provided. Additionally, you can add a few lines of feedback. Please fill this out carefully! The feedback is vital for ProLinker.coms because they will be judged on it by future project clients!

  • After you have registered as a freelancer and upgraded your account to a standard or Premium account, you can submit a quote on a project after logging in with your information. Submitting a quote is free of charge. To do so, click on the project of your choice under "Current Projects" and then click on "Respond."

  • When you register as a freelancer, you will select a category that you work in. Additionally, you can select additional categories and headings you would like to work on in your account. After registering, you will automatically receive all matching projects to your email address from us.

    You accomplish this by adjusting your notification settings. To do this, go to "Settings" within your account. Under the "Email" tab, click on your preferred subject area and then your preferred subcategories. Remember to click "Save" after each category. Afterward, you will also be findable in our database for potential project clients within these categories.

  • If you do not receive an email although you have indicated that you would like to, this may be because these emails are blocked by your spam filter or the spam filter of your internet provider, for example. Look in the spam folder of your email account and find an email from Click on the email and then click on "This message is safe" or "Wanted" or "This message is wanted." Also, we recommend adding the sender to your contacts. This way, you can be sure that email from will always arrive in your inbox in the future!

  • On the homepage, you can view current projects within each category. If you have registered as a freelancer within a specific category, your account will automatically be linked to the appropriate projects. So from then on, you will see all projects relevant to you in your account under "Current Projects."

  • If you are chosen from the quotations provided, the project client will contact you. Alternatively, the project client may contact you for more information before they make the final decision. If the project client chooses you, you will also be informed by email. You can view the status of the project in question within your account at all times.

  • No. Quotes are only visible to the client. Therefore, other freelancers will not see the quote you have submitted.

  • There may be several reasons for this. First, it may be that the notifications for your account are disabled. If that is the case, you can activate them after logging in through the " Settings" tab. Here, you will find the option to indicate your preferences for email notifications. Secondly, the email address you registered with on our website may not match the email address where you want to receive the notifications. Please check your email address under the "Settings" menu button in your account.

  • Occasionally, it can take a while for the project client to make a decision and let us know via the website. Do you think it takes too long?
    We will ask the project client to provide a status update on the project (if it has not been assigned yet) every four days. So you will receive a status update by email as soon as possible.

  • A project client may decide to cancel a project. This can be for several reasons. Maybe the project client has found someone else to work with. However, it is also possible that the project is no longer going to take place.

  • A project is closed when, in the opinion of the project client, a sufficient number of suitable quotations have been received. Some projects are filled very quickly. So be prompt!

  • Go to "Settings" in your account. In the "Email" box, you can customize the notifications. You can also select subcategories here.

  • You can create a profile for free after registration. You can sign up by clicking "Sign Up" on the homepage.

  • A profile page is your personal page and you use it to present yourself to possible clients. This is where you can add information such as your name, address, place of residence, a description of your services, a passport photo, your portfolio, your CV, and your references.

  • You can edit your profile by logging into your account and editing your profile under the menu button "My Profile." Remember to click "Save" at the bottom of the page.

  • You can permanently delete your profile by clicking on "Edit Account" > "Delete Profile" in your account under the "Settings" menu button. NOTE: After you have permanently deleted your profile, all your data on will be lost. This is not recoverable.

    You can also choose not to be visible (temporarily) in the database. To do so, click on "Do not show my profile in the database." This way, you will no longer be found in the database. You will, however, still be able to receive projects through email.

  • In your account, you have the option to directly search for freelancers yourself under the "ProLinker.coms" menu button. Here, you can directly search for freelancers based on their field of expertise, number of references, minimum rating, availability, etc., and request a quote.

  • Your profile will not appear in the search results until the profile is approved. Your profile should include a passport-sized photograph and include certain basic information, such as your name, address, hometown, and a description of yourself.

  • ProLinker.coms are categorized by field of expertise. Premium subscribers above non-Premium subscribers in the search results. In addition, the more complete a's profile is, the higher it will appear in the search results. You can see how far your profile is completed by logging into your account. You will see a bar running from 0 - 100%. If you add more information to your profile, you will appear higher in the search results.

  • Once inside your account, click on "My Profile." You can edit your profile information here. You will also find the option to add your portfolio here. Your portfolio can include images, audio files, and text files.

  • strives to make freelancers as findable as possible for potential clients. Therefore, your profile is automatically made public and consequently indexed by Google. Would you like to avoid opt out? Check the "Do not show my profile in search engines" box under "Settings" in your account.

  • If you know the name of the freelancer, you can type them directly into your address bar after This takes you directly to the profile of a particular freelancer.

  • By getting a Premium subscription you distinguish yourself as a Premium subscribers have advantages over non-Premium subscribers. Namely:

    o Premiums rank above non-Premiums in the search results, and thus are more likely to be found by potential clients.
    o You will receive the Premium designation on your profile.
    o Premium members get a differentiator on their profile by receiving Premium status from

  • The conditions applicable to the Premium subscription can be found in our General Terms and Conditions.

  • You can pay for your Premium subscription via iDeal, Credit Card, or PayPal.

  • Your account will be upgraded to Premium immediately after payment.

  • If no money has been debited from your account, you can simply go through the payment process again.

  • To become a Premium on, you must have an approved account. Under the "Upgrade" button, you can upgrade your account.

  • provides you with an excellent opportunity to bring your product or service to the attention of thousands of professionals from various fields. For example, by placing a banner or text link on this site or including a sponsored message in our assignment mailings to affiliated professionals. For questions about advertising, please contact us by phone, send an email to, or fill out the contact form. We will be happy to assist you.

  • We have outsourced our affiliate program to TradeTracker. This is a reputable party in the world of affiliate marketing. Therefore, you must register with TradTracker as a publisher first. After that, you can sign up for the program and get started. If you have any questions, please contact us.

  • brings supply and demand together. Once this is done, the parties themselves enter into negotiations with each other. We are not involved in this, and it would not be beneficial if we played a role in this. However, if you have complaints and cannot resolve them mutually, you can always submit a complaint to us so that we are aware of the situation and can provide further assistance. In this case, please contact us.

  • We are interested in user experiences and are always open to suggestions. Please call 020-8201771 or send your suggestion by using our contact form.

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