Expand your flexible workforce with trusted freelancers

Easily manage your pool of freelancers and streamline your hiring process with ProLinker

Hire top freelancers

Utilize our safe and secure contracting and payment system

Pay only for work done

Why employers choose ProLinker

Access the best freelancers in the market through our unique network and reward system

Effortlessly add your pool of professionals to the network

Advanced search filters for swift identification

Extended profiles with references and portfolios for informed decisions

Flexibility to place requests within your network or ProLinker 's

Transparant ProLinker fees

Secure payments via our Escrow system

Check availability of professionals instantly

Enhance your hiring with ProLinker

Source the best freelancers through our extensive database of 500,000+ talents, access to the network of top pros, and active search in our partner network.

Secure transactions with ProLinker 's escrow and time tracking

At ProLinker, we prioritize the security of your transactions through our advanced Escrow payment system, ensuring that you pay for completed work with confidence.

This additional layer of protection guarantees a safe and fair process for both employers and freelancers.

Effortless time tracking and payments

Our hourly tracking system adds another dimension of transparency and control to your projects. Easily manage hours worked or opt for paying per milestone, providing flexibility in your payment approach.

  • Hourly Tracking

    Monitor the progress of hourly projects seamlessly with our user-friendly time tracking system

  • Milestone Payments

    Define project milestones and pay accordingly, ensuring that payments align with the achieved project phases

  • Detailed Transaction Overview

    Get detailed Transaction Overviews, breaking down the time spent or milestones achieved, for a comprehensive overview of your project expenses

  • Flexibility in payment methods

    Choose the payment method that suits your project's nature, whether it's an hourly commitment or milestone-based payments or both

Social proof

At ProLinker, we are committed to your satisfaction, providing the essential tools for seamless collaborations. Our advanced Escrow payment system not only guarantees secure transactions but also includes a dispute resolution process, ensuring swift decisions in case of disagreements.

Short time to hire

Our streamlined platform and low risk solution allows for rapid collaboration. Find, hire, and work with the right freelancers instantly, reducing the time it takes to hire a freelancer for your needs.

Risk Reduction to a Minimum

By structuring projects into milestones or hourly periods with partial payments per completed phase, ProLinker minimizes risk. This approach, coupled with our Escrow payment and fast dispute resolution system, safeguards your payments and makes sure you only pay for work done.

Expedited Dispute Resolution

In the rare instance of disputes, ProLinker steps in promptly, making decisions without prolonged discussions. Our commitment to fair resolutions ensures that your projects stay on track

References, escrow payments and social proof

Rely on our comprehensive system that integrates references, Escrow payments and social proof. This triple-layered approach adds credibility to professionals on our platform, further reducing risks and making sure you hire with confidence

Employer account plans

  • Get discounts if you commit for 1 year or more

  • Customized solutions for companies with more than 4 recruiters

Contact Sales at sales@prolinker.com for our special offers


$ 0 /mo

  • Place unlimited projects
  • Receive freelancer interests
  • Send direct offers to freelancers
  • Hourly tracking and milestone payments
  • Dispute resolution
  • Escrow transactions
  • 5 % platform fee
Get started


$ 199 /mo

  • 1 user(s)
  • Invite freelancers to a project
  • Send direct offers to freelancers
  • Post private projects
  • Shortlist freelancers
  • Advanced search filter options
  • View CV documents
  • Collaborate via multi-user account
  • Place unlimited projects
  • Receive freelancer interests
  • Hourly tracking and milestone payments
  • Escrow transactions
  • Dispute resolution
  • 5% platform fee
Get started


$ 399 /mo

  • 4 users
  • All features of the Business plan
  • Place unlimited projects
  • Receive freelancer interests
Get started

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Contact us at sales@prolinker.com or

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