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No NEN 4400-1 without model agreement?

Published on 07-03-2016

I am involved in the audit for the NEN 4400-1 certification. The VAR was also taken into account during the assessment of the ZZP file. The question arose: “What does the model agreement mean for the NEN 4400-1 certification?”

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Tips for a flashy start as a freelancer

Published on 06-01-2025

There I was, energetic and full of plans to start working as a freelancer. I had handled the official part at the tax authorities and the chamber of commerce. A business bank account and insurance had been arranged. I used all my creativity for my own website and business cards. I was ready to start as a freelance translator and copy corrector!

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The success of online acquisition

Published on 30-12-2024

Working freelance is absolutely the best way for me. The freedom and choice of my activities are worth a lot to me. But as a freelancer, in addition to your freedoms, you also face many risks. For example, last March my company immediately went into 'survival mode' after the loss of my most important client due to a subsidy stop.

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Arrange your old age provision: prevent yourself from becoming 'self-employed without a pension'

Published on 23-12-2024

The pension system must change. Most people agree on that. Employees are increasingly changing jobs and building up less pension. In addition, we are dealing with an ever-growing group of freelancers and self-employed people who do not know how to arrange their pension and do not sufficiently realize how important it is. Because does a pension for freelancers actually exist?

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In 'I BV' I work in pajamas

Published on 16-12-2024

'And how does it work? Do you already have a lot of assignments?' The standard opening line in the first weeks as a freelancer. Genuine interest of course, but just a reality check: no, not. Of course, there are a number of assignments in progress and I send out quotes regularly, but - contradict me if it is not the case - if you have been self-employed for less than a year, not everything will run smoothly.

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Working on the weekend: this is how you make something of it!

Published on 09-12-2024

Working on Saturdays and Sundays; not every freelancer is eager. If you organize your own agenda, you may sometimes have to catch up on some work during the weekend. Your environment focuses on fun outings and you try to make your weekend as productive as possible with freelance work. In addition to your busy schedule, these tips will still give you that weekend feeling. You need that too!

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To freelance or not to freelance

Published on 25-11-2024

The lure of freelancing sounded. It seemed to be the implicit message of all the reports about the bad job market: freelancing seemed like the opportunity to squeeze my way in. In addition, the opportunity to organize my time myself, combine photography and writing and choose assignments myself attracted me. I also decided, on the advice of those around me, to look for vacancies for full-time and part-time work, so that I would have something to support me during the start-up phase until I could make a living from freelancing.

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Top 5 apps for freelancers in 2016

Published on 18-11-2024

As a freelancer you lead a busy life. You do assignments and earn your own money. You are free to organize your time and if you are lucky - you can do the assignments that you like. There are many useful apps available to make your life as a self-employed person as easy as possible. They offer help in organizing your time, administration, finances and ideas so that you have time to do what you are good at.

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How do you ensure you are productive when working from home?

Published on 11-11-2024

A major advantage of freelancing is that you decide when you get started. Some people deal with it easier than others. It is important that you motivate yourself to actually start your assignments. This can sometimes be very difficult in a home environment. And those who do not work or postpone work do not receive any money. That's why you need to stay as productive as possible every day.

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The insurance dilemma of freelancers

Published on 28-10-2024

We all do probability calculations and we sometimes take risks based on that. Small and large. I had been busy with everything except insuring myself. And apparently I'm not the only one. The cost just kept me from looking into it further. Besides, I had so many other – much more important – things to do.

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Freelance copywriter? How cool!

Published on 21-10-2024

"How cool!", those around me responded enthusiastically. I'm going to start as a freelancer; but then? As a copywriter I may be experienced; As an entrepreneur, I certainly am not yet. Care is required, but setting up your own business is a lot of fun.

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Freelancing and the new way of working

Published on 14-10-2024

Walking into the office at 9 o'clock and closing the suitcase at 5 o'clock and leaving, that time is over. We will work smarter, more efficiently and more effectively. We hold conference calls, conduct job applications with internationals via Skype and send work emails on the train; This is the new way of working.

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Published on 11-10-2024

The campaign: You do the new way of working yourself! (hnwdjz.nl) We completely agree with that!

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This way, as a freelancer, you make a good impression on new clients

Published on 04-10-2024

The ingredients for a successful career start with attracting clients who provide you with assignments

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WhatsApp for freelancers

Published on 20-09-2024

WhatsApp is a widely used tool among freelancers for communicating with clients. Often, a personal WhatsApp number is used for this, which can work fine, but there's much more potential to explore. In this blog, we share some simple steps for freelancers to make the most of WhatsApp.

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Better balance between work and private life: how do you do that?

Published on 13-09-2024

As an entrepreneur you are always working. But how do you avoid never being able to take a moment for yourself?

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Five quotes from Steve Jobs that every entrepreneur needs

Published on 21-08-2024

Read here motivational and inspiring quotes from Steve Jobs that every entrepreneur needs!

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A dream job abroad: pros and cons

Published on 17-05-2024

On LinkedIn this week, I read a post from a business acquaintance. She has received an offer from a large company to work for them. The job is right up her alley, but there's a problem. The company is based in Madrid, and the person in question lives in the Netherlands.

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I am crazy

Published on 28-03-2024

I must seem like I've gone mad, giving tips to my competitors. But I also believe there's enough for everyone. So here we go!

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The Perfect Balance Between Employment and Freelancing: A Guide to Financial Freedom

Published on 08-03-2024

In today's job market, many individuals aspire to strike a balance between the security of a steady income through employment and the freedom of freelancing. Combining both can be a challenging yet rewarding path towards financial freedom and professional fulfillment. In this blog post, we will discuss how to integrate these two worlds and the rules to be mindful of regarding earnings.

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