

Field of work Software Development web & mobile
Location Assendelft, North Holland, NL
Availability 40 hours per week
Profile views 2058

Full-stack Javascript / Typescript developer ( Node.js / React / AWS )

As a full stack JavaScript/TypeScript developer and contractor/freelancer, I have a passion and expertise in both front-end and back-end development (recently more focused on back-end). Since 2017, I have been providing my services to small and large companies and can be hired to contribute to existing applications or to set up new projects.

In the vast majority of projects, I am hired to fully participate in existing multidisciplinary/Scrum teams, similar to an internal employee. I share my knowledge, do code reviews, contribute to the architecture, and monitor the quality of the work. I prefer long-term collaborations. Working for a client for 1 to 2 years is not uncommon.

I am a driven all-round web developer who is familiar with various (web) standards, such as JavaScript, TypeScript, GraphQL, Node.js, Angular, React, GraphQL, Java, AWS, serverless, HTML, CSS etc. My focus is on JavaScript/TypeScript and I am well acquainted with ES6. In addition, I am AWS certified and able to develop complete serverless and non-serverless applications using AWS services, including Lambda, Step Functions, SQS, SNS, API Gateway, S3, DynamoDB, EC2 etc

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