This project is originally posted in Dutch. You are viewing an auto-translated version.

Looking for an English-speaking copywriter for editing

Text and translation

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  • Interested

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  • Location

    The project can be completed remotely
  • Budget

    €350 - €1000
  • Posted by


Job description

Dear freelancers,

We are looking for an English-speaking copywriter who is strong in explaining technical matters in simple terms. Price is negotiable. It involves editing English texts for a pitch deck for investors. So short, simple texts that cover the content. Tone is businesslike, but personality and creativity may be the undertone. So not too dry, but appealingly written. The target group is investors who need to be convinced through a pitch deck. We would like to receive examples of previous work to get a good impression.

Interested freelancers

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    • {{ item.hourlyRate || '-' }} per hour
    • {{ item.cityName }}, {{ item.stateName }}
    • {{ item.nrSharedConnections }} shared connections
    Open chat Refused

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