This project is originally posted in Dutch. You are viewing an auto-translated version.

For a coffee brand looking for a creative writer

Text and translation

  • Project status

  • Interested

  • Posted at

  • Location

    The project can be completed remotely
  • Budget

    €25 - €40 per hour
  • Posted by


Job description

Dear coffee lover,

Are you a coffee lover with a passion for writing? Then we are looking for you! We are looking for a creative blog writer for our coffee brand. You write blogs of 500-750 words for €50-75 each. Affinity with coffee is a must, in-depth knowledge is not – you will get that from us (in the briefing). Interested? Send us a message why you think you are the suitable candidate and explain your affinity with coffee.

What we offer:

Compensation: €50-75 per blog

Clear briefings and support

What we are looking for:

Affinity with coffee

Creativity and writing talent

Enthusiasm and dedication

Thank you and we may hear from you if you think you are the right candidate!

Interested freelancers

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    {{ item.displayDisciplines }}

    • {{ item.hourlyRate || '-' }} per hour
    • {{ item.cityName }}, {{ item.stateName }}
    • {{ item.nrSharedConnections }} shared connections
    Open chat Refused

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