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Specialist in e-learning games

Website and Apps

  • Project status

  • Interested

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    The project can be completed remotely
  • Budget

    €350 - €1000
  • Posted by


Job description

Dear self-employed person,

My colleague and I would like to convert a physical annual training course into a virtual e-learning with the following elements:

- An e-learning experience/game with 8x an hour or 16x half an hour of play (just see which is more convenient).

- Participants can connect with us/each other in energy and receive different experiences (through assignments).

- An energetic/light avatar that participants can choose as their character (see attachment).

- Many atmospheric environments (moving background photos or images).

- The game must be able to be opened/played from a telephone, iPad and laptop.

- The game must include various interactive elements.

- Includes a coffee break room/breakout room to share stories or take a break from the game.

- A fixed moment where participants come together online for community building (just like an app group).

- We want to use various Spotify songs, but what are the rights/conditions/costs?

- Multiple users must be able to play simultaneously.

Perhaps it is still a bit vaguely described, but it is still quite difficult for us to get a clear picture of this.

That is why we need someone who can think along with us and offer us different options or possibilities.

To see whether this is actually what we are looking for, we would first like to request a demo and estimate the costs.

I'd love to hear it, thanks in advance!

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    • {{ item.cityName }}, {{ item.stateName }}
    • {{ item.nrSharedConnections }} shared connections
    Open chat Refused

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