

Field of work data analyseren, migratie, en integratie
Location Amstelveen, North Holland, NL
Rate € 50 ($ 53.96) per hour
Profile views 1397


Technical Consultant

WCC smart search & match, Utrecht, The Netherlands

Turning data into knowledge, leading to ideas with bright new insights. ER Modeling and implementation of employment knowledge base including CVs, Vacancies, Competencies, Educations, etc. - Taxonomy Management ESCO, O*NET, ASOC, SSOC, BIS - Semantic search and matching - Employment data enrichment (CVs & vacancies) - Automated occupation/skills classification

Independent freelancer

Sharp Systems

Management, decision, development & support - Optimized ER-modeling and implantation of the Open Provenance Model (OPM) - Data management strategies, Data Modeling, and Data integration - Big Data storage & distributed processing - Data warehouse, data provenance

Data Architect / Project Leader

Academic Medical Center (AMC), Amsterdam, The Neth

Management, decision, development & support - ER-modeling and implantation of the Data Provenance for workflow management systems. - Design and development of the Neuroscience Gateway (within a team) - Management and processing of large neuroscience data


Ph.D. in Computer Science

University of Amsterdam, Faculty of Science, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Institut Nationale des Sciences Appliquées INSA,

Master degree in Computer Science and Information Systems

Bachelor in Computer Science and Information Syste

Université de Sétif, Computer Science département, Algérie


  • werken met data
  • data analyseren


  • Commnication
  • decision making


  • UML
  • MS Office
  • Windows, Linux, Mac OS



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