

Field of work web-development & ICT
Location Heythuysen, Limburg, NL
Availability 20 hours per week
Rate € 30 ($ 32.21) per hour
Profile views 366
De Ragtime Rumours

Website: De Ragtime Rumours

Media focused site, written in Ruby, HTML & CSS created for the 2018 European Bluez Challenge winners. Custom code to have a direct way to play recent releases. With a static site like this, no hosting server needed, served directly from Github pages. It is also possible to have a (limited) webshop with a static site, custom code created for this band so they can sell 20-30 articles. No database needed, can be connected to any payment service needed.

Website: Veritas-IT

This site was developed with three main goals in mind: - Show as many technologies as possible - Make the visitor think about different design options - Promote the different aspects of Veritas-IT Using custom written PHP pages to promote a different way of navigating web pages has been implemented. Besides PHP, HTML, CSS, JS, Ajax are in use to create the different effects and designs.
Hochkönig Ferien

Website: Hochkönig Ferien

Property management Wordpress site with full database to handle rentals. Deployed on it's own VPS. To do the stunning surroundings of this apartment justice, techniques like a parallax image background for an embedded video are in use.
KaOS, a Linux Distribution

Website: KaOS, a Linux Distribution

Jekyll Site with Ruby based Search. A site design and layout with an emphasis on reading and learning. White spaces, font selection and colors used, all promote easy reading. All navigation is setup in flat design, no secondary menus, another way of making reading the primary focus. Ruby creates the option for very fast search, custom code, so no outside service needed.

Website: Peelviervoeters

OpenCart based Site. A shopping site created with OpenCart offers a near limitless amount of articles to sell. Custom design is still possible with such a site, using PHP and twig files. Easy to use database to add any specifics for any and all articles. Tax rates, shipping options, payment gateways, all can be set to specific needs.
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