

Field of work Agile Scrum Master Product Owner Projectmanagement
Location Hoogland, Utrecht, NL
Rate € 90 ($ 96.63) per hour
Profile views 2199


Scrum Master

Business Lease

BLG asked me back to be part of the Digital backbone B2B SaaS team where I took the role of Scrum Master. I worked with several teams (NL, BE, IN) and two Product Owners in an international setting on a joined Backlog where I was a strong advocate of a autonomous team and Product Owners with mandate. Results - Streamlined the Scrum process - Meaningfull Retrospectives - Focus on Sprints Last but not least the handover to the Czech team so the project became more efficient and effective organized.

Product Owner


Robidus asked me to join as interim because of leave of a Product Owner. In my role as Product Owner I was responsible for two products: ‘Portaal’ and ‘Platform’ both developed and maintained by my team. In this assignment I started with alignment on the stakeholder side and optimizing the Scrum process, like the Sprint Planning and Sprint Review events. Furthermore (as usual in a Product owner role) I was responsible for the Backlog. Activities and results: - Align with stakeholders - Reconnected with client, to make them part of the Scrum process - Leveling with central product owner and CTO - Results reached on major milestones See less

Product Owner / Scrum consultant

Business Lease

Business Lease has started their Digital transformation in 2016. When joining the outlines of that strategy became visible and the sentiment of change was in the air. I was asked to join as an Interim Product Owner and work with the Scrum team, users and stakeholders on the Business Lease ERP (current technology stack) and related developments. As Product Owner my main activities focused on prioritizing the work of stakeholders from 6 countries into a roadmap and backlog and pitching work for the upcoming Sprint, that the team pulled into the sprint. Every Sprint of 3 weeks we where able to deliver business value to users in 6 countries. Along typical Product Owner task I was also involved in activities regarding Agile and Scrum adoption within the team, stakeholders and users. Activities and Results: Optimized and structured the way Scum was implemented by changing events and the release scheme - Raise Scrum awareness and improve the interaction and co-creation between

Product Owner / Scrum consultant


For Lukkien I was asked to step in as interim Product Owner / Development manager for a couple of months due to absence of the permanent manager. The team i was involved in worked on an software solution used by several customers. My role was to prioritized the work and sprints and optimized the way we Scrum was used. The tasks I performed include: - Getting Scrum up and running - Aling stakeholders - Creating a Backlog overview. - Creating functional overviews - Helping a Product Manager align with the project - Product Management, including competition analysis - Refinement session at customer location

Product Owner / General manager


Vesc was working on the construction of a virtual reality educational tractor simulator for five months when the projectleader position became vacant. I was asked to step in and work with the client and the team in a Product Owner / general manger role. Here I had the overall project responsibility of a team of about ten people. Due to the nature of this project there was a high research and development factor Main objective for me was to get Scrum up and running, showing progress to the clients and their project user group. Highlights on activities and results: Optimizing Scrum process, helping the team with the Agile mindset Creating a roadmap to provide insight in the work and complexity. Involve and align stakeholders - Working with the team on Backlog refinements - Setting up a Sprint cycle with user meetings with real specific output and input for Sprints - Getting the complete feedback loop op and running between the users and the team - Setting team members fr

Product Owner / General manager

Online Dossier

The aim of this project was to professionalize a software package called Online Dossier and to build an organization around it for software development, support, marketing and sales. Online Dossier is a webbased client communications platform for social work organizations. My main role was director and responsible for the entire operation. A lot of effort was on the Product Owner role Scrum consultant and steering the product development in a direction it adds value to the users and to reach our commercial goals. Other duties include stakeholder consultation, sales and marketing activities and budget control. A couple of highlights on de product and software development and Product Owner site: - First step was to let an external company perform an audit to understand the quality of the software, based on that a strategy was born on how to deal with the outcome. - Started working with a software development partner Sunbytes who was able to insource the software and had prove


HBO digital communication

Hogeschool van Utrecht


NLP Practitioner


CSPO - Certified Scrum Product Owner

Scrum Alliance


CSM - Certified Scrum Master

Scrum Alliance


  • Kwaliteit
  • Eigenaarschap
  • Structuur



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