

Field of work Engelstalige teksten
Location Amsterdam, North Holland, NL
Profile views 1576



"Linda Cook"

Accurate, creative and reliable, I write and edit English-language copy for global brands that have included Ahold, AkzoNobel and Philips, writing copy that sells products and communicating internal messages - translating strategy jargon into clear, entertaining copy for employees. From 2011 to 2014 I wrote for and edited AkzoNobel's global employee magazine One World (readership 50,000). I also advise companies on how best to improve their communication media. I have translated travel guides and film scripts, edited annual reports and books on subjects ranging from jewellery making to leadership as well as editing copy for award-winning apps and websites.


"The Write Company"

I edited '>>FWD' magazine for Philips Consumer Electronics and wrote their regular column. Wrote and edited articles for Rabobank and Hagemeyer.

"Project Editor"

"Media Partners International"

Publications I worked on included 'Holland Herald' and 'Junior Jet' (KLM’s inflight magazines); Amsterdam the Magazine (for AMPRO, the Amsterdam Promotion Foundation); and Holland Traveller (for the Netherlands Board of Tourism). As well as writing and editing copy (specialist subjects: the arts, entertainment and children’s interest), I liaised with art directors and clients on all projects and co-edited KLM’s inflight video programming.

"Studio assistant"

"Fantasy Factory"

Helped out with the realization of inflatable, life-sized puppets for advertising purposes, and smaller hand-held puppets for film and TV. I painstakingly inserted a thousand feathers, each held singly, with tweezers, into the rubber head of a parrot, and made umpteen pairs of crocodiles' trousers.

"Props assistant"

"Joop van den Ende Theaterproducties"

A wizard with a sewing machine, glue and foam rubber, I made costumes and props for one of Andre van Duin's Revues. Amongst other challenging assignments I executed the feather-heavy headresses for the dancing troupe and threw buckets of dark coloured dye onto pristine boiler suits to kit out the chimney sweeps in the Mary Poppins scene.

"Fabric designer"


Set up and co-ran business designing and printing fabrics for fashion and interior. Clients included John and Vera Hartman, Capsicum Natuurstoffen and De Nederlandse Opera.


  • Ben momenteel op zoek naar lange termijn projecten - boek vertalen bijvoorbeeld? Boek ghostwriten of editen? Sta open voor nieuwe opdracchten.


  • Creative
  • Professional
  • Friendly
  • Accurate
  • Reliable


  • Sharp copywriting
  • Fluent translation
  • Editing to make every word count
  • Can tackle everything (successfully) from AI to human interest, the arts and corporate strategy.



Speak Good
Write Good
Read Good


Speak Good
Write Average
Read Good
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