

Field of work Automation Linux
Location Renkum, Gelderland, NL
Rate € 105 per hour
Profile views 338
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As of the foundation of Webhuis I am focused on solutions that open opportunities and reduce costs.

Webhuis chose to be a Linux based company, with opportunity and leanness in mind. The application of Linux and Open Source and Open Standards over the years developed from being niche to main stream. The Open Source world today shows a very rapid evolution and is in need of support to the challenges that lay ahead.

Webhuis sees a winning strategy in Automating System Administration and invests as of 2007 in the application and development of a CFEngine based system that supports Automated system Administration in an economic, effective and efficient manner. Webhuis started with CFEngine 2, but now is specialized in bringing CFEngine 3 solutions.

Webhuis is involved in bringing an efficient way of generating an up to date package for the main stream package management systems from the main stream CFEngine project.

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