

Field of work Grafisch ontwerp, Branding, UI design, DTP
Location Amsterdam, North Holland, NL
Rate € 65 per hour
Profile views 720


Digital Designer | Creative DTP

TODAY Branding Agency


Peter van de Weerd Design

Grafisch vormgever | Creatief DTP'er

The School of Life

I continued to work for companies that have a social impact. This time The School of Life. Here we help people to live a more fulfilled life with insights from philosophy, psychology en art. This connected strongly with my interests. I was part of the marketing team and contributed on various campaigns and proposals for companies like ABN Amro, KPMG and Albert Heijn. I was responsible for improving the usability of the website, I designed multiple pages, designed various visuals for the programmes and made sure the site was up to date. I learned a bit of html along the way. Furthermore I created flyers, booklets, online banners and so on.

Grafisch vormgever | Creatief DTP'er


Decided to work for a social enterprise that works hard to reduce the amount of plastic waste by persuading people to use a sustainable water bottle. I contributed in developing a new brand design and was responsible for all the graphic output of the company.

Grafisch vormgever, webdesigner

Global Leads Group

Worked for a startup based in Berlin. I worked on different projects where I extended my knowledge in human interface design, branding, concept development, brand strategy, user research, and user experience design.

Digital Designer


Part of a team responsible for the companies’ online point of sale. Main tasks: photo editing, communication design and webdesign.




UX Design | UX Academy

UX Academy

Graphic Design | GMI Designschool

Grafisch Media Instituut Amsterdam

HBO | Bachelor in Social Work

Windesheim | Sport & Bewegen



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