Freelance Action-learning

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  • Availability
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  • Average rating
  • Number of references
  • Common connections
  • Response time
Premium Available
Unavailable Available {{ user.availableFromFormat }}

{{ user.displayName }}

{{ user.shortDesc }} {{ user.fullDesc }}
{{ user.ratings.overall.toFixed(1) }}/5.0 {{ user.hourlyRateFormat }} per hour

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(2.0/5.0) € 100 ($ 110.88)
per hour


(2.0/5.0) € 100 ($ 110.88)
per hour
Resultaatgerichte, Enthousiaste en Ontwikkelingsgerichte interim professional. Ik krijg energie van het ontwikkelen van mensen, teams en het verde…
Unavailable Available 03-11-2024
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