

Location Amsterdam, North Holland, NL
Rate € 55 ($ 59.05) per hour
Profile views 2133


Conversion Specialist

Project Cece (

As a conversion specialist at Project Cece, I was in charge of: ▪ Designing and implementing the startup's KPI dashboard ▪ Analyzing marketing performance across channels and devices. ▪ Implementing marketing campaigns. ▪ A/B testing of desktop and mobile experience. ▪ Developing data-driven strategies to increase growth.


Stallions Agency

Stallions is a product management and performance agency based in Amsterdam, focused on helping startups and scaleups grow

Co-founder. Marketing & Operations Manager


Latio is an innovation platform that trains and connects people to free their creative potential. Our mission is to build the (non-coding) talent for the digital economy. As co-founder and responsible for the Marketing and Operations, I was in charge of: ▪ establishing marketing and sales objectives and processes to; ▪ planning and developing the brand strategy, ▪ planning social media activities; ▪ designing and implementing loyalty programs.


Master in Marketing

Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam

Industrial Engineering bachelor degree

Austral University

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