

Field of work Web and App Development
Location RoHon, North Holland, NL
Availability 20 hours per week
Rate € 85 per hour
Profile views 1292


Freelance Full-Stack Engineer

Label A, Amsterdam, Netherlands

> Rapidly onboarded into an existing team, immediately delivering high-quality components conforming to strict design standards > Implemented payment checkout system, transitioning the client's platform to a monetized model > Conducted code reviews, engaged in pair programming, and took a leadership role in scrum meetings and standups when needed

Freelance Full-Stack Engineer

Deep B.V. Hydrography & Geophysics

> Rewrote the internal mobile app as a Progressive Web App (PWA), resulting in significant cost savings, reduced maintenance efforts, and increased employee usage > Provided ongoing technical support and maintenance, resolving issues and implementing updates to meet evolving business needs > Acted as the sole developer and provided consultation to the company on product decision, full-stack architecture, and frameworks

Full-Stack Engineer

GetintheLoop Marketing Ltd., Vancouver, Canada

> Primary point of contact for critical cloud service issues, ensuring prompt response, analysis, and resolution > Led the rewrite of a legacy web-app to Next.js, resulting in a 50% increase in user retention > Implemented automated push and email notifications to customers, involving handling of hundreds of thousands of notifications daily and resolving any related issues

Full-Stack Engineer

KSYOS TeleMedical Center

> Mentored junior developers through pair-programming and code reviews > Implemented well-tested features and pixel-perfect components following strict design standards > Ensured safety and protection of sensitive user information by reviewing critical features and implementing extensive automated tests

Web Application Developer

3Doid s.r.o.

- Ontwerpen van een High Availability Database architectuur voor PostgreSQL (replication, load-balancing, automated back-ups). - Het bouwen van een responsive front-end voor intern gebruik, gebaseerd op Google's Material Design.

App Developer

We Consulting AB, Zweden

Het ontwikkelen van een cross-mobile applicatie voor intern gebruik bij het Zweedse bedrijf We Consulting. Hierbij is gebruik gemaakt van AngularJS en Ionic Framework. Er werd gewerkt volgens de Scrum methodiek in een multidisciplinair en internationaal team van 6 personen.

Software Ontwikkelaar


Bij everywhereIM heb ik enkele opdrachten uitgevoerd die altijd gericht waren op de zorgsector. Gedurende deze tijd heb ik leren werken met het Laravel PHP framework, Angular, Ionic Framework en native Android applicaties. Hiermee heb ik enkele web- en mobiele applicaties uit kunnen brengen.


Computer Science

Mid Sweden University


Hogeschool van Amsterdam


  • Communicatief vaardig
  • Adviseren


  • Javascript
  • Node.js
  • Typescript
  • Angular
  • React



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