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A dream job abroad: pros and cons

Published on 17-05-2024

On LinkedIn this week, I read a post from a business acquaintance. She has received an offer from a large company to work for them. The job is right up her alley, but there's a problem. The company is based in Madrid, and the person in question lives in the Netherlands.

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I am crazy

Published on 28-03-2024

I must seem like I've gone mad, giving tips to my competitors. But I also believe there's enough for everyone. So here we go!

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The Perfect Balance Between Employment and Freelancing: A Guide to Financial Freedom

Published on 08-03-2024

In today's job market, many individuals aspire to strike a balance between the security of a steady income through employment and the freedom of freelancing. Combining both can be a challenging yet rewarding path towards financial freedom and professional fulfillment. In this blog post, we will discuss how to integrate these two worlds and the rules to be mindful of regarding earnings.

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Finding Balance: Freelancing as a Single Parent

Published on 01-03-2024

In the world of freelancing, flexibility and independence are keywords that resonate with many professionals. For single mothers, freelancing can be a blessing, offering the opportunity to manage work and family responsibilities in a more balanced way. In this blog, we delve into the life of freelancing as a single parent, exploring the challenges, benefits, and valuable tips for finding equilibrium.

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The Modern Freelance Landscape: Enhance Your Work with Technology and Tools

Published on 23-02-2024

In the rapidly evolving world of freelancing, where flexibility and efficiency are crucial, technology and tools play an essential role. Freelancers have access to a wide range of apps, platforms, and tools that can help streamline their workflows, manage projects, track finances, and improve communication. In this blog post, we will explore some of these valuable tools that freelancers can integrate into their daily operations.

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Digital Self-Defense: How to Identify Scammers Across Various Platforms

Published on 16-02-2024

In the digital world we inhabit today, we are constantly exposed to various forms of online scams. Scammers are cunning and constantly adapt their tactics, making it increasingly crucial for us to remain vigilant. Whether you're surfing social media, shopping online, or receiving emails, recognizing the signs of scams is essential to protect yourself from potential dangers.

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Optimally Utilizing Social Media as a Freelancer or Self-Employed Freelancer

Published on 09-02-2024

As a freelancer or self-employed professional (ZZP'er), social media is a powerful tool to promote and grow your business. In this blog, you'll discover how to effectively leverage social media for maximum impact.

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Here are five tips on things you shouldn't pay too much attention to

Published on 02-02-2024

I have no idea how long you've been a novice entrepreneur. As a full-time entrepreneur, I've completed 14 months now. In my perception, I've long surpassed the stage of being a novice entrepreneur. However, compared to my cousin, who has been in business for 25 years, I'm just getting started. But it doesn't matter. What I want to do with this blog is debunk the tips that every novice entrepreneur receives but that aren't actually helpful. I've encountered these five over the past few months.

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5 Proven Steps for an Irresistible Project Proposal: Tips from a Web Design Expert

Published on 26-01-2024

Discover the art of crafting a winning project proposal with this comprehensive guide by an experienced web designer from Website Remake, presented on ProLinker. Learn how to make your proposals stand out and convince clients with proven strategies and tips

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Web Design Trends 2024

Published on 19-01-2024

As the digital landscape evolves, web design trends in 2024 offer innovative solutions to common technical problems faced by site owners. The adoption of these trends not only enhances the aesthetic appeal of websites but also addresses functional challenges, improving the overall user experience.

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Five crucial questions for the start of the year:

Published on 12-01-2024

Difficult times or easy times, it doesn't matter: the beginning of the year is the ideal moment to ask yourself some important questions as you wrap up your year as a freelancer and look ahead to the new year.

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Five Alternative New Year's Resolutions for Entrepreneurs

Published on 08-01-2024

Prior to the Christmas holidays, I asked some other entrepreneurs if they had any New Year's resolutions. Personally, I hate New Year's resolutions. That's a legacy from my annual resolution to quit smoking. Eventually, I succeeded, but it had nothing to do with January 1st. Despite my dislike, I was still curious about the resolutions of other entrepreneurs, especially because I secretly have a few things in mind myself. The responses were predictable: more revenue, more clients, more visibility. Blah blah blah. I prefer alternative New Year's resolutions, like these five.

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Are golden times coming for freelancers in the events business?

Published on 29-09-2023

It seemed as if the events business would disappear due to the whole Covid thing, but nothing could be further from the truth. Since this summer, the number of conferences, seminars, parties, exhibitions and other events has been on the rise again. Events open many doors for freelancers who are ready to lend a helping hand. Here we list some opportunities to inspire you as a freelancer.

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Writer's block for your social media posts? Do this

Published on 22-09-2023

Do you sometimes have that feeling too: you don't really know what to say on LinkedIn, Instagram or Facebook? You may feel that you have already shared all the tips or that you have already put your offer in the spotlight in every possible way. Need help? Below you can read some tips to never run out of inspiration again.

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The most important tip: be honest

Published on 15-09-2023

Before you continue reading, it is good to know that I am not a standard entrepreneur. I see that as a great strength, you can also explain it as Zeeland stubbornness. It's probably a combination of the two. What makes you notice this? I've never been to a networking event, I have no long-term plans and I'm way too honest. The latter deserves some explanation, after all, it is not the intention that other entrepreneurs get the feeling that I think they are cheating. My father-in-law did that, which is why he is now in debt restructuring. But hopefully he is an exception.

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An up-to-date website is crucial

Published on 08-09-2023

An up-to-date website is crucial in the rapidly evolving digital age. The importance of updating your website regularly cannot be overstated, and here are some facts that show why it should be a top priority:

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The Benefits of Being a Freelancer

Published on 01-09-2023

In recent years, freelance work has grown in popularity and for good reasons. There are countless benefits to being freelance, ranging from flexibility to financial freedom. In this blog we will explore four key benefits of being a freelancer.

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3 ways to get more customers from your LinkedIn profile

Published on 25-08-2023

You have some nice texts on your LinkedIn profile, you post regularly and interact with other entrepreneurs. Yet no one responds. Do you recognize this? It could be that your LinkedIn profile is not put together very well or that important elements are missing. In this blog I share four ways to ensure that your profile brings in more customers.

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Retargeting: becoming less efficient?

Published on 18-08-2023

Retargeting, often referred to as remarketing, is a marketing strategy that allows businesses to reconnect with visitors who have left their website without making a purchase or signing up for anything.

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But why should I use an FAQ page?

Published on 11-08-2023

You are a freelancer. You have a great website that showcases your work and tells visitors something about you. But you don't get many leads. How did that happen?

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